Five Publishers, 9 Books, One Author

= Same Goal: Truth

BELOW: Click on books ▼ for info on each or to Order online. All in pback, most in eBook, some in Audible format.

About the Author: Minister, Rock Guitarist, Investigator for Circuit Court

Three+ careers, three colleges, three degrees:

After earning English and Doctor of Ministry degrees, Dr. Moore’s varied careers included leading churches; teaching college part-time; court investigator; author–and avocationally, a guitarist performing in nightclubs and music festivals. All made for a wide and balanced understanding of American life and beliefs.

Dr. Lance Moore is author of nine books, a six-time honoree for inclusion in the Abingdon Preaching Annual, and was a repeat clergy panelist on Hallmark Channel’s “Naomi’s New Morning” with Naomi Judd. He has been a guest on various radio, podcast and television programs nationally.

Click here to go to Amazon Author’s Page

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ REVIEWS & TESTIMONIALS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Reads awfully well… a fine job… a beautiful book in every way.” Praise for Dr. Moore’s first book with Barbour Press, Outdoors with God, from  Harper Lee (Pulitzer Prize for To Kill a Mockingbird).

Reviews & Testimonials for Cults on Trial:

IndieReader Book Review Site awarded the book 4.7 stars out of 5, stating in part: “[Cults on Trial is] a fascinating and thoroughly researched book…. Empathetic, educational, and highly significant in this day and age…. [An] intelligent and well-researched book that brings new insight to the world of cults and cult leaders.” See full review here:

And see IndieReader’s “About the Book” (author interview) page here:

More reviews for Cults on Trial:

-A 70-year-old veteran psychologist/counselor stated: “This will become a landmark book in the field.” 

-A film producer wrote: “5 stars…should be required reading before anyone finishes high school.”

-Another author (a JFK-assassination expert featured on the History Channel and other documentaries) said of Cults on Trial“Highly Recommended!”  “…a great writer!”

-Another reader finished a cover to cover read and summed it up as “Exceptional!”

Praise for Prior Books:

For Killing JFK: This is an absolutely wonderful book. I read it in two huge gulps.”

For Class Crucifixion: Dr. Moore stands in the time-honored roll of a prophet challenging the fairness of the dynamics of our current economy.”

For Majestic Twelve Minus One: Riveting and thrilling and emotional and suspenseful and somber and action-packed and heartwarming and simply a great read. Can you tell I loved this story!”

The Full Book Review of Cults on Trial from respected Book Site IndieReader:

A thorough investigation into cults and cult-style leaders including Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and Adolf Hitler.

Author Lance Moore is an ordained United Methodist minister, and describes himself as a “Defender of the Faith and a follower of Jesus.” In this fascinating and thoroughly researched book, he seeks to investigate not only familiar cults and their leaders but also those people who exhibit cult-like traits. Therefore, Donald Trump takes his place on these pages, alongside the likes of David Koresh and NXIVM’s Keith Raniere. From Moore’s perspective, what sets these cults apart from more conventional religions, including his own Christianity, is that whereas traditional established religions operate within society, cults create an alternative world that is alien to the norm. As he writes: “Their alternate reality has a form of rationality, yet at its core, cult logic is Pretzel Logic… twisted, self-defined, and only internally consistent.” When viewed from the outside, cultic beliefs can often be easily disproven or exposed as fraudulent, but for those within the cult, their indoctrination becomes a peer-driven “conformity bias.”

Moore retains a great deal of sympathy and understanding for those caught up in cults. He identifies malignant narcissism at the heart of all cult leaders, which gives them the drive to manipulate and exploit their followers. He terms this “narcissistic megalomania,” and in the book’s most important section (entitled “The Cult Culture Template of Traits”) he breaks down the stages of cultdom—from the initial centering around a narcissistic but charismatic leader to the “scorched earth” policy where “cult leaders may ultimately destroy everything and everyone if they fail.” This doomsday approach is highlighted by examples including the mass suicides of The Peoples Temple in Guyana and that of The Heaven’s Gate cult in the USA.

Some readers may balk at the inclusion of Donald Trump in a book focused on cults, but Moore’s deep thinking on the subject and thorough researching of the former president’s strategies and personality traits are more than convincing. Through numerous quotes on and by Trump, Moore illuminates the narcissistic megalomania common to cult leaders and “a clinical case of ‘Delusions of Grandeur’ on a scale rarely seen.” The chapter on Trump in particular is an excellent example of the mordant humor Moore brings to his subject.

A later chapter sees Moore turn his gaze on to his own religious beliefs, examining the beginnings of the Christian church and the undoubtedly cult-like roots of the story of Jesus. He uses the same unflinching methodology to criticize Christianity, though he believes that the humility at its heart essentially protected it from becoming a true cult. Moore’s wide-ranging approach is a welcome relief from the often-sensationalized accounts of cults and their frequently violent demises. Empathetic, educational, and highly significant in this day and age, CULTS ON TRIAL takes the time to explore the appeal of cults while identifying the malignancy at their centers.

IndieReader Verdict: Lance Moore’s CULTS ON TRIAL is an intelligent and well-researched book that brings new insight to the world of cults and cult leaders. 4.7 out of 5 stars

Sky-Fy Publishing

Daphne, AL 36526

You can subscribe to Mr. Opperman’s podcasts for $5 a month, but you can listen to this single show free by clicking at the top right of his site (though you do have to sign in with email or Google ID). The same interview will also be broadcast Friday May 3rd on several AM radio stations in Cali, Nevada & Utah ( see ). An hour-long discussion of several topics but mostly the new book:

CULTS on TRIAL: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump

Republicans, take note: PENCE rejects TRUMP! (Dear Donald: Pence isn’t the Disloyal one—YOU Betrayed him back on January 6th…)

To any who call themselves “Christian” yet still support Trump: The politician who most fits your “dream stereotype” of a Christian Evangelical—Mike Pence—just said he “cannot in good conscience” vote for Trump![i] Not sure why it took him ten years to see what was obvious to me (as a Christian pastor) all along. Trump is not THE Anti-Christ, but he is an antichrist in the lower-case “a” sense. Almost everything Trump says and does is the antithesis of Jesus—I say this based on a lifelong study of the Bible.

-Rev. Dr. Lance Moore is author of the recently-published book, Cults on Trial: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump, available here:



BROADCAST APPEARANCE on GLOBAL INTERNET RADIO: Podcast no longer available online with TNT Broadcasting re: interview with Dr. Lance Moore on Worldstage with Bruce de Torres on TNT News (back in April).

Blogs: Articles, Op Eds & Other Writings by Lance Moore

My latest OpEd was written days ago–now it’s no longer “breaking news”–but it was published as the lead story on OpEdNews on April 1st, 2024:

False Prophets Profits: “The Trump Bible”

Trump “is playing silly games with the serious, cherished beliefs of millions of Americans.”

    In case you missed it: Trump, famous for profiting from overpriced cologne, neckties, gold-foil sneakers, a gambling casino and Trump vodka…is now hawking Bibles—for $59.99![1] I’m irate.

    I’m a Bible-believing, retired Southern pastor. Trump’s actions anger me in more ways than I can count—with January 6th counting double—but now he triggers three concerns with this single act

1. Denigrating the Holy Bible, making it a mere prop to win votes.

2. Mixing religion with Nationalism in unhealthy ways (this is the “God Bless the USA” Lee Greenwood Donald Trump Bible).

3. Being a total imposter, masquerading as a man of religion who claims “It’s my favorite book…” even though his words and action show he’s never taken any of it to heart.

    Please hear me unfold my lament, remembering that I’ve spent my entire life studying and honoring the Bible.

1. Trump Desecrates the Holy Bible: Let’s be clear: there is nothing wrong with selling Bibles. Many good and genuine Christians run Christian book stores, work for Bible publishers, or even sell them door-to-door. They revere it as “God’s Holy Word” and handle it with special care, not as a mere commodity, a piece of produce. That’s in sharp contrast to Trump, who has been filmed putting his own autograph on a Bible with a Sharpie, and in 2020 posing for a photo op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church waving an upside down Bible, and who did not know how to pronounce “Second Corinthians” (which most of us learned in Sunday School as children).[2] It is cynical and tacky for the moneygrubbing, woman-grabbing liar to sell “Truth Social” on the same day he reduced the selling of Bibles to a farce.

2. He mixes religion with Nationalism with no understanding that the early patriots DIED to protect America from being forced to bow to a tyrant’s narrow definition of God.[3] When I was pastor, the county sheriff—later exposed in scandal—was a member of my church. A few months before Election Day, he’d come every Sunday in his suit ‘n tie to be seen in church. He did win re-election each time he played that game, followed with another three years of church absence. But most church-members chuckled behind his back, “Does he really think he’s fooling us?!” There’s nothing new nor clever in politicians wrapping their (unopened) Bible in the flag and whining that America needs to pray more—when those close to them never observe any sign of regular prayers or spirituality.

    But the rising clamor to make America a “Christian Nation” is more than just hypocrisy. It’s a threat to democracy and our founding principle: freedom of religion. History is littered with the victims of religious wars, by people arrogantly insistent that “MY sectarian beliefs are right and YOURS are wrong!” In his $59 Bible ad, Trump, with all the sincerity of a snake oil salesman, just said he wants to “Make America Pray Again.” Show me where the Bible states we should MAKE someone pray, or FORCE someone to adopt one version of faith over another? (Funny thing is, the Bible teaches two religions: Judaism and Christianity. And warned against setting up a tyranny—even a Godly one… read 1st Samuel 8:10-17.) “Christian Nationalism” is an oxymoron. Jesus never used government to impose his Truth (that is, his teachings, not Truth Social propaganda stock!) onto anyone. To the contrary, he chided his disciples for attacking the officials and temple guard who came against Christ; the new faith was not to be forced upon the world.[4]

3. Trump is an imposter, masquerading as a man of religion. And a religious fraud—a cult leader who does not even believe his own schtick—is particularly odious. He is playing silly games with the serious, cherished beliefs of millions of Americans. For many of us, values we hold as true—that God is Love, that Jesus taught that truth will set you free—are not to be hijacked by a conman for a power play, reduced to $59 totems, or cavalierly donned [pun intended] like a costume or brandished like cheap props.

    Trump’s “holy warrior for Jesus” stance is a façade; his ethical history reads more like the definition of an “anti-christ.” (No, I didn’t say “The AntiChrist” of Revelation; I’m not claiming he has a 666 tattoo or a dragon for a pet. Trump doesn’t have the savvy and sophistication for that role.) Trump is not THE Anti-Christ, but he is an antichrist in the lower-case “a” sense. Almost everything Trump says and does is the antithesis of Jesus. Trump is a fraud. I say this because, unlike the “pious Don,” I actually read what the Bible says.

    And what the Bible says is more judgmental than I would ever be toward “billionaire” Trump: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”[5] Jesus literally warned the ultrarich of hellfire. So the Bible doesn’t endorse any candidate nor party—but it sure seems to disqualify Trump from God’s kingdom! Mr. Trump: be careful wielding the Bible like it’s a play-toy. What some Christians call “the sword of truth” might hurt you if you actually unsheath it.


-Rev. Dr. Lance Moore is author of the recently-published book, Cults on Trial: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump, available here:

His bio and more info is available here:






One quote from that source: “…evangelical religious leaders…took their concerns to George Washington in 1789, object[ing] that the Constitution failed to acknowledge “the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom he hath sent.” Washington evenly replied, “The path of true piety is so plain as to require but little political direction.” Madison, Jefferson and most of the Founding Fathers rightly realized that for millions to have individual and full freedom, no single “State Religion” should be declared and imposed.

[4] Luke 22:49-52, The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®, Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.

[5] Mark 10:25, ibid.


Another article published online at OpEdNews:

Is Trump a “Flawed Man” yet “The Right Man for the Job”?

    In recent days, I’m seeing memes and posts on Social Media such as this: “Sure, Trump is a flawed man… but he’s still the RIGHT MAN for the job!” This is a good sign that—despite contrary poll numbers—the harsh truth about Trump’s nefarious character is leaking into the news bubble surrounding what I call [in my latest book, see below] the Trump Cult. In the face of overwhelming court evidence and testimonies, they can no longer deny that he is a business cheat and tax dodger, a serial liar, a womanizer, and an authoritarian demagogue. The bad news: they still can’t let go of their myth that he’s God’s Anointed Savior for White America, battling the invading infidels and Woke mobs. MAGA Republicans merely took a step back to offer a new “Flawed but Great Man” trope.

     After their programmed narrative of Trump as “The Chosen One” crashed, MAGA Republicans now offer a reboot of their “Trump software.” Another metaphor: they are reverse-Photoshopping his air-brushed “Super-Trump” NFT playing cards to include blemishes. Some saw this, early on, as a necessary concession by the once “Family Values” GOP. At the outset of Trump’s first campaign, Jerry Falwell, Jr., likened Trump to Bible-hero King David in order to excuse Trump’s sexual scandals, claiming that God ordained this sullied mortal to rule our “Christian Nation.”[1] The same comparison was made in 2019 by former-Governor Rick Perry, who offered an apologetic for Trump’s litany of sins: “God’s used imperfect people all through history… [for example,] King David wasn’t perfect….”[2] More recently, in January 2024, former Trump Cabinet Member, Dr. Ben Carson, again equated Trump to King David.[3] Never mind that David sincerely repented of his crimes, in contrast to Trump explicitly denying any need for self-confession and repentance.[4] And even more troubling, did Junior Falwell, Governor Perry and Dr. Carson all fail to recall that David was an unelected tyrant?

     We could debate how many flaws and cracks a diamond can display before it’s deemed unacceptable. But we cannot and should not debate that America is a democracy, not a tinhorn dictatorship. The morning after I began writing this OpEd, CNN posted an article entitled: “Former advisers sound the alarm that Trump praises despots….”[5] The article cites former Trump insiders John Bolton (his National Security Adviser), Matthew Pottinger (his Deputy National Security Adviser), and General John Kelly (Trump’s former Chief of Staff), who all warn that Trump praises and admires autocratic leaders, including Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orbán—and even Hitler. Kelly quotes Trump as having said that Adolf Hitler “did some good things…,” and Kelly added, “My theory on why [Trump] likes the dictators so much is that’s who he is.” [bold emphasis mine]

     That’s who he is. He famously said to Sean Hannity that he would only be a dictator for his first day in office.[6] When challenged about it, Trump later claimed he was only joking. I agree. All indicators are that Trump was joking about the “only one day” part! The red flags are waving, pointing to a permanent Dictator Don. John Bolton revealed that Trump hopes to repeal the two-terms limit on the Presidency.[7] Trump’s one-time White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham recently stated her former boss “wants to be a dictator.”[8] He proved on January 6th that he would do just about anything, legal or otherwise, to retain power—even sit by and watch while insurrectionists built a gallows marked with the sign “Hang Mike Pence!” We cannot overstate this: Trump was happy to throw his own friend, ally and Veep to the wolves for a single sin: failing to take unlawful action to reject the Electoral College votes! He who would so easily betray a friend (and remember, Pence is but one in a long list of friends and allies Trump has betrayed) would likely betray a nation, a Constitution. This is not a flaw in a diamond. Wrong metaphor. Rather, it is a rotten core in an apple. Nay, it is a poison apple handed to our democracy, with a Hallmark Card attached: “Go ahead and eat it, because every apple has a flaw.” It seems to me that the dwindling squad of Trump cheerleaders have already whiffed the poison, and this “Flawed Man Trope” is their last desperate gasp.


-Rev. Dr. Lance Moore is author of the recently-published book, Cults on Trial: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump, available here:

His bio and more info is available here:

Trump Art Image by kalhh from Pixabay, license-free






[5] “Former advisers sound the alarm that Trump praises despots in private and on the campaign trail,” by Jim Sciutto, CNN, March 11, 2024.





A Quick Blog-RANT: BOOK CENSORSHIP is everywhere. In Florida libraries. On Amazon: a film producer posted a (good/5-star) Review on my book, they removed it because he mentioned Catholic Church abuses (after he challenged Amazon and told them he had endured abuse as a child HIMSELF, they backed down and reinstated the review). Now online, with Facebook: I tried to run a small ad for my new book. The book does NOT equate Trump with Hitler, it merely offers a psychological portrait or checklist of traits of demagogues and cult leaders… AND it is documented with 500 reputable sources, many academic and historical…but I was emailed this just now from Facebook: “Hi Lance, You asked for another review of your ad. After an additional review it’s been determined that it still doesn’t comply with our Advertising Policies…. This ad won’t run.” Astounding. [btw, I didn’t know I was on FIRST NAME basis with Fbook, but “Hi Mark (Zuckerberg)!] Facebook permits scammers, advertises shoddy products, and allows completely false meme’s to be posted… but NOT A BOOK!! Anyone else find that maddening?? Here’s what I was trying to pay them money to advertise… simply a picture of my book’s cover, a link to purchase it, and the title: “CULTS ON TRIAL: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump.” Mark Zuckerberg = book-banner. -LM

~~Next: my February blog posted online at OpEdNews and elsewhere:

Does “Trump = King David” as Christian Nationalists claim?

    Years ago, former Texas Governor Rick Perry told Fox News that Trump is “God’s chosen One,” and offered an apologetic for Trump’s litany of sins: “God’s used imperfect people all through history… [for example,] King David wasn’t perfect….”[1] Jerry Falwell, Jr., made the same comparison during Trump’s first campaign. More recently, in January 2024, former Trump Cabinet Member, Dr. Ben Carson, again equated Trump to King David.[2] And this month, Politico reported on the fact that key Trump associates are milking “Christian Nationalists” for votes; Christian Nationalists are hoping to use a Trump second-term to build a Fundamentalist Theocratic government.[3] Is this a reasonable equivalency and claim, that Trump and David are two morally-flawed leaders but nevertheless God’s Chosen Ones?

    For decades, I served churches in the Deep South as a pastor, and I know a thing or two about Christians, Conservatives… and King David. So allow me to answer, and to opine, as Bill O’Reilly put it for years, on the topic of Christian Nationalism… and Trump.

    It’s well-established that President Trump and King David had two things in common: they both led their nations for a period, and they both were lying adulterers. As International Man of Mystery Austin Powers comically punctuated: “And that’s. About. It.” Republicans try to portray Trump as if he were a Bible Hero (David) in order to excuse Trump’s sexual sins, and to claim God hath ordained Trump to rule over a “Christian Nation.” I do agree that sinless leaders are rare as hen’s teeth. If adultery were to be a disqualifier, few Presidents would have cleared that bar. Sexist behavior is not the key issue here. The bigger question is, “In any remote way, could Trump be God’s Anointed One?” Let’s make a concise list (before we consider the concept of Christian Nationalism).

▪Biblical David did not seek power for himself; he was born a humble, unambitious shepherd. Kingship was thrust upon him. In contrast, Trump was born with a multi-million dollar silver spoon, and not only sought power, but clung to it until 60 court decisions stopped him.

▪David lusted after a naked Bathsheba—even allowing her husband to die in battle so he could possess her. But he knew it was wrong and later groveled before God, seeking forgiveness. Trump actually asserted that he has no reason to seek God’s forgiveness: “Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?” he asked, without irony.[4] Unlike the ancient Jewish King, Trump never admits he is wrong, not for “grabbing” women’s privates, not for greed, not for incessant lying and civil fraud—mostly because he had no ethical code or faith-morality in the first place.

▪David was deeply religious, following God from childhood until his last breath. Trump, far from being “anointed by God,” has demonstrated no spiritual sentiments nor religious practice in his near-80 years.

    Take a moment to consider that comparison. These are not small differences. My list above of polar opposites shows the absurdity of these Rightwing “Christian” claims.

    Now consider modern “Christian Nationalism.” The MAGA world view in this regard is neither “Christian” nor “National,” at least not in the sense of our American nation’s history. These proponents of Theocracy ignore the core teachings of Jesus: love your neighbor and demonstrate that love by caring for the poor, welcoming the strangers and foreigners in your land (read the story of the Good Samaritan for starters). Nor do the wannabe-Theocrats envision our nation as our Founders did, with principles of religious freedom and an explicit rejection of “church rule” embedded in our Bill of Rights. In effect, the Theocrats spit on the Statue of Liberty, where we find inscribed words extending “world-wide welcome,” saying to the world: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.” Nope, Lady Liberty does NOT say “Only White Europeans Welcome.”

    Christian Nationalist leaders seem oblivious both to those inscribed words as well as to the inclusive words of Jesus to welcome “the stranger” (Matthew 24) and “Love your neighbor as yourself,” with “neighbor” defined as a non-citizen/outcast in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). Pastor Charles Pace, inheritor of the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, and QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow, both claim “prophetically” that Trump is anointed by God.[5]

These extremists are not without influence. In my own state, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court just ruled that frozen embryos in labs are fully human, potentially shutting down IVF as an option for parents—based on his personal theology. This Alabama Judge, Tom Parker, has said publicly he is guided by the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” which critics call a “quasi-biblical blueprint for theocracy” designed by Christian Nationalists to impose Fundamentalist theology onto and into government.[6] Parker befriended the above-mentioned Johnny Enlow, a self-described Prophet.[7] Enlow openly calls for truckers (the “Freedom Convoy,” which Enlow has dubbed “gladiators”… never mind the irony that Roman gladiators famously murdered Christians!) to start a rebellion. He encourages them to illegally “shut down” businesses by blocking public roadways and businesses with their Big Rigs: “I want to recommend 7 specific targets who have been the absolute enemies of the people… and suggest 1000 truckers per building to shut down…” these “evil players”: the  CDC, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube.”[8] As I wrote in my book on cults (cited below), fostering an Us vs. Them, Good vs. Evil, mentality is an age-old tribal trick to justify and encourage violence.

    Christian Nationalism is not new; it’s an offshoot of the old “Christian Identity Movement,” which tried to claim God’s Chosen People were not brown-skinned Jewish people, but rather, White Aryan Christians.[9] Historical research and genetic studies have long ago disproven that myth, which began in the 1800’s, along with Hitler’s myth of Aryan superiority from the 1900’s. Even before science disproved it, the myth was never congruent with what Jesus taught; very much to the contrary, Jesus commissioned the Christian Church to go out to ALL nations. And the early Christian church consisted mostly of Middle Eastern Jews, including Jesus himself. The enmity often implicit in tribalistic nationalism is incompatible with Christian love and inclusion. Even Paul—less “Woke” and more “Conservative” than Jesus—wrote in Galatians 3, “In Christ Jesus you are all children of God… There is neither Jew nor Gentile… nor is there male and female, for you are all one….” Wow. And two chapters later, Paul added: “For the entire Law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

    As troubling as the racially-tinged misinterpretation of Scripture is, the White Christian Nationalists also forget that God never endorsed Theocracy nor Dictatorship in the first place: the notion of “King David” was not God’s preferred plan; David was anointed by a reluctant Prophet Samuel, who warned the people of the oppressive dangers of having a king.[10] And now a host of former Trump-appointees—General Kelly, Secretary of Defense Mattis, AG Bill Barr, Ambassadors John Bolton and Nikki Haley, and many more—are specifically warning us of the dangers of having Donald Trump as king.[11] His own people! As Trump White House communications Director Alyssa Griffin put it, “[A] second Trump term could mean the end of American democracy as we know it and I don’t say that lightly.”[12]

    King Trump? Please, No, a thousand times No.

~~Rev. Dr. Lance Moore is author of the recently-published book, “Cults on Trial: A Cross-Examination of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Hitler… and Donald Trump,” available here:


General Source: Paul D. Miller,  The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, (InterVarsity Press, 2022).

Numbered Endnotes:





[5] and

[6] Ibid. 

[7] Ibid.

[8] Bold emphasis mine.


[10] See 1st Samuel 8:10-17, and page 27 of my book, Cults on Trial, cited/linked above.

[11] and

